8 Tips To Boost Body Acceptance
Before we get started, I want to begin by saying that body acceptance, body confidence or anything body related for that matter can be a sensitive issue for some and everyone’s journey to becoming more body-acceptant is different.
There is no time frame, just your own pace and although I’m sharing some tips here in this blog it’s really important for me to point out that accepting yourself and accepting your body does take time and there is no quick fix, no matter how much we wish there was a magic wand to wave around!
One thing is for certain though, making even just a few of the changes below will help you to be on your way to becoming more accepting of your body.
Speak kind words to yourself.
I know I know this sounds like I’m suggesting the impossible and you’re considering exiting this blog already, aren’t you? But, seriously, just give it a try, nothing major to begin with, you can start small. It really does make a difference.
They say if you speak kindly to plants, they grow better – imagine how you could blossom if you spoke kindly to yourself?
Use positive affirmations to help you stop doubting yourself
A great tool to help remind you how great you are. Stick them somewhere you’re going to see them and USE them.
Positive affirmations can be fantastic reminders of how great you are. Stick them somewhere where you’re going to see them every day and actually USE them.
Suggestions: Mirror, door, phone case, bookmark, kitchen cupboard, fridge, water bottle, laptop, nightstand
Follow social media accounts that make you feel good and unfollow the ones that make you feel bad
This is a biggie! We spend countless hours every day just scrolling through social media so it’s really important that we check in with the content we’re consuming.
If you’re regularly looking at other bodies that you’re comparing your own to and that’s impacting your own well-being, negatively ask yourself “Is it worth following these accounts?”
Just unfollow the accounts that make you feel crappy. There are plenty of accounts promoting body positivity and encouraging self-esteem - find the ones that make YOU feel good and follow those.
Get rid of the clothes that don’t make you feel good and replace them with ones that make you feel comfortable or great
There is zero point in holding onto clothes that only make you feel rubbish! You don’t need to pressure yourself to fit into old clothes or hold onto anything “just in case” if looking at it hanging in your wardrobe just makes you feel sad.
Just get rid! (Donate, sell etc) the clothes that no longer serve a purpose for you and treat yourself to clothes that light you up, make you feel good or that you feel comfortable in.
Actually take the time to look at yourself in the mirror and notice the things you like about yourself
Taking the time to look in the mirror at yourself, whether clothed or unclothed is a really valuable experience. I understand it’s not an easy one, but you can go at your own pace, taking as much or as little time as you want or need.
If you haven’t really looked at your body for a long time, how can you ever learn to appreciate it, let alone like it?
You are not defined by your weight or your body, try to shift any weight or diet goals to just living healthily
Try and shift any focus you have away from dieting or weight loss and move it into living healthily and enjoying what that means for you.
Remember, your weight is going to fluctuate through the month, for so many reasons and this is perfectly normal and OK!
Try to focus on feeling happier and healthier instead of numbers on scales and clothes sizes.
Practice gratitude with your body and try to recognise all the things it does to take care of you
Try to take some time each day to thank your body for taking of you. Focus on all the things it’s done that day or that week to look after you and help you through the day – when you break it down into one 24-hour period, it does so much! Surely, that’s worth celebrating.
Find an Exercise you enjoy
Exercise is great for mental and physical health, but it doesn’t need to be the enemy! Find something that’s fun and enjoyable so that you can start to look forward to exercising, noticing how your body moves and enjoying it as it does so.
As I said at the start, this can be a sensitive subject for some and everybody’s body-acceptance journey is different because everybody’s bodies are different. We’ve all experienced different things and we all perceive things differently - this is one of the many beauties of the world.
If you would like to discuss anything with me, get in touch and we can arrange a call :)