Today I’m Helping My Anxiety By…
Feeling the fear and doing it anyway, and it feels good!
I’ll be honest, some of the things I was anxious about happening, did happen but I was surprised to find that I was ok! Yes really! It actually wasn’t the end of the world. I didn’t panic, or run away, I didn’t go bright red or make a complete fool of myself, nobody laughed at me and none of the other terrible scenarios I had conjured up before leaving my house that morning happened either.
Instead, I found that people were kind and helpful, I managed to do everything I set out to do, even with a few mishaps along the way and I ended my morning feeling really proud of myself for pushing through because I felt like I’d achieved something and If I didn’t push myself to face my fears and work through this anxiety, I wouldn’t have this realisation.
I controlled my anxiety today; it didn’t control me, and I can remind myself of this the next time it tries telling me otherwise.
This doesn’t mean I’m cured, there will definitely be days where I struggle with the same thing again but I know now that I can do it and I can use today as evidence of that and that feels really helpful because anxiety has this incredible way of magnifying everything and making it seem so much worse than It is, telling us we absolutely can’t do something but you know what – WE CAN!
You have more power and control than you realise and if you’d like any help with managing our anxiety, let’s have a chat 😊
Get in touch with me here