You cant always give 100%

You can’t give 100% everyday

Do you ever have those days where you just don’t feel like yourself?

Or as if, yesterday you could have taken on the world but today deciding what to wear feels like too much?

Me too!

I think we go through life comparing ourselves to everyone else and we decide that we must be the only ones to ever have days like this. We can be so unkind to ourselves.

Some days I have breakfast, lunch and dinner prepped for the week, I’m on top of all my admin, I even have time to binge-watch a TV show and then, just when I think I’ve finally got life figured out, I struggle to fit lunch in, forget to attach the files to my emails and I’m late to the school pick-ups.

And in those moments, no one could ever judge as harshly as I judge myself although I imagine that they do and I hear the same self-criticism from the people I work with.

We find it so easy to chuck insults at ourselves, but we dish out compliments and understanding to others like sweets on Halloween or gifts at Christmas. Why is this the case?

Too often we forget to give ourselves a break!

These low-energy weeks are the weeks that self-kindness and compassion are twice as important because, how productive can you be when you’re telling yourself off for making a simple mistake? One that SO many of us will make a hundred times over.

Some days you’re only going to have 50% to give and other days might be more like 40% or 70% and that’s ok! We need these days to gather up the energy to get anywhere near to 100% and… If you’re a woman, we have so much more to consider when it comes to energy levels at different weeks in the month, I wonder whether you’ve allowed yourself to consider that? These are conversations I always welcome in my therapy room as I think they’re so important and too often ignored.

Social media might do a good job of telling us we should be doing better but I’m here to let you know that it’s normal to have a low-energy day or a day where it feels like things are going wrong. In-fact, I think they’re a good reminder to slow down and reconsider our needs.

If you are having a low-energy day today, below are some things you can do to show yourself some kindness and if you’ve found this helpful, why not subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out on helpful posts in the future?

  • Have a shower, this is soothing, refreshing and can help you to feel less stuck and ready to face the day.

  • Get outside, there are lots of physical and mental  health benefits to being outside in nature

  • Be creative, getting creative can help to activate and awaken other parts of your brain, helping to energise you

  • Eat something yummy and nutritious, food can be super energising

  • Rest, it’s ok to rest when you need to! Enjoy it

  • Return to a task later, when you have more energy

  • Speak with a loved one, sometimes holding in thoughts and feelings can really dull down our energy levels more than we realise, getting things off our chest can be really helpful


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